Solutions LECO pour GCxGC
Conçu pourGCxGC

Modulateur de débit Paradigm et séparateur de flux Shift
Améliorer la capacité de pointe GC sans sacrifier la précision
Explorer Modulateur de débit Paradigm et séparateur de flux Shift

notes d’application
Apprenez-en plus avec nos dernières notes d'application GCxGC.
Dual-Detection of Plastics-Derived Pyrolysis Oil
Data from a single injection of plastics-derived pyrolysis oil using GCxGC with reverse fill-flush modulator and flow splitter is explored.
Reformulation of Perfume Samples with GCxGC-TOFMS/FID
Chromatograms of perfume sample obtained with use of reverse fill-flush modulator and flow splitter are analyzed
Simple Group-type Analyses of Aviation Fuels
Flow modulation provides high accuracy group-type analyses for traditional fuels and emerging alternatives.
GCxGC Coelution Data Detection with RFF Modulator
Data demonstrating how Paradigm reverse-fill flush modulator and Shift flow splitter enhance GCxGC detection accuracy in fragrance samples.
Aroma Compounds Pumpernickel Bread
Aroma Compounds Pumpernickel Bread
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