Notes d'application

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Titre et description
Quantitation of PAHs in Used Engine Oil using GCxGC and Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Introduction to Simply GCxGC

An Online Guide for Optimizing Comprehensive Two Dimensional GC Separations

Coffee Roast Level

Quantitation and Non-Target Detection of Pesticides in Spinach Extract with Pegasus BT4D

Analysis of Smoker and Non-Smoker Urine Using the Pegasus BT4D

Urine is a favored biological fluid for medical testing since it is easy to obtain in large quantities and provides a window into an individual's exposure, diet, and general health. Comprehensive GCxGC-TOFMS data can be used to visually differentiate smoker and non-smoker urine standard reference materials.

Spice Wars – Are You Battle Ready? Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids Using an HR-CI Source Operated in EI and CI Modes

Hardness Profile in Decarburized Steel using AMH55

Sulfur in Carbon Black using SC832-SC832DR

GDS900 Copper

GDS900 Low Alloy Steel

GDS900 Stainless Steel

GDS900 Aluminum Alloys

GDS900 Boron in Low Alloy Steel

Beer Aging at Storage Temperatures

Correlation of Chemical and Sensory Data to Track Aging of an American IPA Beer at Different Storage Temperatures

Carbon and Sulfur in Low Carbon Ferroalloys using CS844

Free Moisture LOI Hydrated Lime using TGA701

LOI in Combustion Residues using TGA801

Carbon-Sulfur in High Carbon Ferroalloys using CS744

Sulfur in Rubber using S832

Differentiation of Honey Aroma Profiles with Flux GCxGC-TOFMS