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Unveiling the Future of
Non-Targeted Screening

Welcome to LECO, where innovation meets precision, even for unknown sample testing. Our cutting-edge GC×GC and HRT/MMS technologies redefine non-targeted screening, empowering laboratories across all industries. Explore the limitless possibilities as we revolutionise screening techniques for enhanced quality and confidence in results.

"Join us in navigating non-targeted frontiers, where possibilities are limitless, and results are unparalleled.

Choose LECO –
your partner in revolutionising
non-targeted screening."


Explore Our Products

Dive into our comprehensive range of products designed to meet the unique challenges of non-targeted screening. From food safety and environmental analysis to pharmaceutical and petrochemical applications, LECO's advanced instrumentation offers unparalleled insights and efficiencies. Elevate your laboratory's capabilities with our state-of-the-art solutions.

Find further details about LECO's PEGASUS® instruments on our separation science analysis compendium page.


LECO Instruments for Non-target screening

LECO NTS webinar 2024 Full image

Watch the Webinar - 5 avrilth, 2024

Join us on 5 avrilth for an immersive webinar experience. Discover the latest advancements in non-targeted screening technologies, practical applications, and case studies that showcase the power of LECO's GC×GC and HRT systems. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of substance analysis.


LECO NTS Sympoium 2024

Join us in Manchester, Berlin or Nice and take your chance to be part of this transformative experience.

  • mai 21 – 22, 2024 Alderley Park, Manchester, UK
  • octobre 28 – 30, 2024 Berlin EATC, GER
  • novembre 19 – 21, 2024 Nice Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, FR


LECO NTS symposium 2024 Full image

Mockup LECO Pegasus Brochure

Download Brochures

Get in-depth insights into our product offerings through our informative brochures. Understand how LECO's technology addresses the evolving challenges of identifying emerging contaminants. Equip your laboratory with robust, versatile, and cost-effective non-target screening workflows.


Access Application Notes

Delve into real-world scenarios with our NTS application notes. Gain practical knowledge on how LECO's GC×GC and HRT/MMS technologies provide unmatched results in substance screening. From improved accuracy to increased efficiency, our application notes demonstrate the impact of choosing LECO as your non-targeted screening partner.

In the following, you are going to find a content compendium. You can download them here with a click.

Mockups App Notes Non-target screening

Why Choose LECO?

innovative technology icon
Innovative Technologies

GC×GC and HRT/MMS technologies redefine non-targeted screening, offering unmatched precision and efficiency.

comprehensive solutions icon
Comprehensive Solutions

Address the evolving challenges of substance screening across diverse markets, from identifying emerging contaminants to ensuring food safety.

Cost effective workflows icon
Cost-Effective Workflows

Enhance your efficiency without compromising on quality. LECO provides cost-effective solutions without sacrificing performance.

Market leadership icon

Position your laboratory at the forefront of non-targeted screening with LECO's capabilities.

Salon virtuel

If you want to learn more about our products and solutions for non-target screening, book a free ticket to our Virtual Trade Show, or schedule an online demo for a deeper insight in our instruments.


We started using the LECO PEGASUS® BT GC-TOF mainly for target analysis of aliphatic hydrocarbons on environmental matrices; over time we had the need to develop a method for the qualitative characterization of hop leaves samples for a research project, the ChromaTOF® deconvolution software allowed the identification of several compounds, in particular different terpenes. The Pegasus BT GC-TOF thus proved to be an excellent system, easy to use, with high sensitivity and reproducibility, able to perform both non target and target analysis.


Unveiling the Future of
Non-Targeted Screening

Welcome to LECO, where innovation meets precision, even for unknown sample testing. Our cutting-edge GC×GC and HRT/MMS technologies redefine non-targeted screening, empowering laboratories across all industries. Explore the limitless possibilities as we revolutionise screening techniques for enhanced quality and confidence in results.

"Join us in navigating non-targeted frontiers, where possibilities are limitless, and results are unparalleled.

Choose LECO –
your partner in revolutionising
non-targeted screening."


Explore Our Products

Dive into our comprehensive range of products designed to meet the unique challenges of non-targeted screening. From food safety and environmental analysis to pharmaceutical and petrochemical applications, LECO's advanced instrumentation offers unparalleled insights and efficiencies. Elevate your laboratory's capabilities with our state-of-the-art solutions.

Find further details about LECO's PEGASUS® instruments on our separation science analysis compendium page.


LECO Instruments for Non-target screening

LECO NTS webinar 2024 Full image

Watch the Webinar - 5 avrilth, 2024

Join us on 5 avrilth for an immersive webinar experience. Discover the latest advancements in non-targeted screening technologies, practical applications, and case studies that showcase the power of LECO's GC×GC and HRT systems. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of substance analysis.


LECO NTS Sympoium 2024

Join us in Manchester, Berlin or Nice and take your chance to be part of this transformative experience.

  • mai 21 – 22, 2024 Alderley Park, Manchester, UK
  • octobre 28 – 30, 2024 Berlin EATC, GER
  • novembre 19 – 21, 2024 Nice Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, FR


LECO NTS symposium 2024 Full image

Mockup LECO Pegasus Brochure

Download Brochures

Get in-depth insights into our product offerings through our informative brochures. Understand how LECO's technology addresses the evolving challenges of identifying emerging contaminants. Equip your laboratory with robust, versatile, and cost-effective non-target screening workflows.


Access Application Notes

Delve into real-world scenarios with our NTS application notes. Gain practical knowledge on how LECO's GC×GC and HRT/MMS technologies provide unmatched results in substance screening. From improved accuracy to increased efficiency, our application notes demonstrate the impact of choosing LECO as your non-targeted screening partner.

In the following, you are going to find a content compendium. We kindly ask you to submit our form. Afterwards you‘ll get access to all the files.

Mockups App Notes Non-target screening

Why Choose LECO?

innovative technology icon
Innovative Technologies

GC×GC and HRT/MMS technologies redefine non-targeted screening, offering unmatched precision and efficiency.

comprehensive solutions icon
Comprehensive Solutions

Address the evolving challenges of substance screening across diverse markets, from identifying emerging contaminants to ensuring food safety.

Cost effective workflows icon
Cost-Effective Workflows

Enhance your efficiency without compromising on quality. LECO provides cost-effective solutions without sacrificing performance.

Market leadership icon

Position your laboratory at the forefront of non-targeted screening with LECO's capabilities.

Salon virtuel

If you want to learn more about our products and solutions for non-target screening, book a free ticket to our Virtual Trade Show, or schedule an online demo for a deeper insight in our instruments.



La recherche métabolomique présente des challenges à la fois pour les méthodes analytiques à utiliser et le tri des données nécessaire pour pouvoir interpréter les résultats. Une seule méthode ne suffit pas pour la caractérisation complète des métabolomes, et aucun métabolome n'a été complètement caractérisé. Toutefois, la GC-MS fournit une méthode démontrée pour l'analyse des métabolites primaires, tandis que la LC se focalise sur les métabolites secondaires et tertiaires.


All the tricks of the trade won't be enough if your instruments can't handle the speed. LECO's Pegasus® line is designed to take full advantage of the speed of TOFMS analyses without sacrificing the sensitivity you need, and our StayClean® Ion Source means you never have to slow down to clean out your engine.

MDCW 2021 | Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop

The Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop draws experts in this exciting field to share and discuss their research. The informal workshop also provides an excellent opportunity for those interested in multidimensional chromatography to learn more about this unique analytical technique. Research topics include advancements in multidimensional chromatography technology and applications of this highly selective chromatographic approach.

Regardez le webinaire de LECO en coopération avec The Analytical Scientist maintenant disponible pour un visionnage à la demande. Le webinaire présente « GC×GC-HR-TOFMS for untargeted screening of Breathomics » par Pierre-Hugues Stefanuto, directeur scientifique à l'Université de Liège

Apprenez à vous servir de votre nouveau PEGASUS® BT à tout moment

Votre Pegasus® BT est un instrument puissant, mais si vous ne savez pas comment utiliser certaines de ses fonctionnalités, vous ne pourrez pas tirer pleinement parti de votre investissement. LECO déploie LECOLearn, un site de formation en ligne à la demande pour vous aider à maximiser votre laboratoire.


La recherche métabolomique présente des challenges à la fois pour les méthodes analytiques à utiliser et le tri des données nécessaire pour pouvoir interpréter les résultats. Une seule méthode ne suffit pas pour la caractérisation complète des métabolomes, et aucun métabolome n'a été complètement caractérisé. Toutefois, la GC-MS fournit une méthode démontrée pour l'analyse des métabolites primaires, tandis que la LC se focalise sur les métabolites secondaires et tertiaires.

Lors de l’atelier et symposium GC×GC de LECO (filmé au Centre européen de formation et d’application LECO, Berlin, Allemagne), Paul Harvath a donné une conférence intitulée « Évaluation d’huiles à base oxydée en chromatographie en phase gazeuse bidimensionnelle à flux modulé – Spectrométrie de masse à temps de vol ». Dans son discours, il a donné un aperçu de l’histoire et de l’avenir des huiles moteur pour voitures et de l’évolution des lubrifiants au fil du temps.

Lors de nos petits déjeuners séminaires ASMS, Jean-François (Jef) Focant, chef du département de chimie et directeur du groupe de chimie organique et biologique analytique de l’Université de Liège, Belgique, a parlé de l’utilisation de nos Pegasus® BT 4D et Pegasus® GC-HRT 4D pour GC×GC-TOFMS sur le souffle des patients asthmatiques pour améliorer le traitement de l’asthme*. Avant de manipuler du sang et des expectorations, Jef nous a d’abord informés de l’importance d’optimiser les données.

 L’analyse non ciblée, la science des données et l’innovation ont fusionné pour donner naissance à la nouvelle génération d’analyse par techniques séparatives en spectrométrie de masse. Alan Griffiths, spécialiste des produits en science séparative de LECO UK nous l’explique.

« Une idée découle souvent d’une autre, et des réactions en chaîne se produisent. Comme pour les réactions chimiques, les idées peuvent rester contenues dans des zones restreintes avant de se propager progressivement vers l’extérieur. La Silicon Valley, en Californie, est un point de convergence de la technologie. Au Royaume-Uni, la ville de Manchester constitue le pôle majeur de la spectrométrie de masse (MS). Manchester est le lieu de production du premier spectromètre de masse commercial construit en dehors des États-Unis… »

Lisez ici l’article complet…

Monde de la chimie // Publication 12/2019 // Article par Alan Griffiths

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